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The History of Men's World Amateur Championships



Columbus, Ohio, USA

Joe Weider, Paul Chua, and Ben Weider

Forty-four (44) countries attended the IFBB Congress.

Affiliated as new members were the following countries: Argentina, Burma, Cayman Islands, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Libya, Peru, St. Kitts, and Surinam.

Ben Weider, Founder and President

Pamela Kagan and Paul Chua

The IFBB Constitution was amended to include an article for a "proposed new activity for the IFBB - Women's Committee" and new technical rules were adopted on "judging women's competition".

Jim Manion

Wayne DeMilia

Guidelines were set in place for junior competitors (age limit 21). At continental and regional championships, the host organizing federation would be allowed to enter a "B" team however, their points would not be counted for the Best National Team award.

Albert Busek

Javier Pollock

A point system was devised to increase the number of countries (to the top 10) participating in the Best National Team award.

Lightweight winner
Renato Bertagna (Italy)

Middleweight winner
Roy Duval (England)

Lightheavyweight winner
Samir Bannout (Lebanon)

Heavyweight winner
Jusup Wilkosz (Germany)