Prague, Czech Republic
An impressive number of seventy-two (72) countries participated making a new record. Liechtenstein and American Samoa were accepted into IFBB bringing the total to 169 member-nations.
1997 was an exceptionally good year for the growth of the sport of bodybuilding and efforts to obtain Olympic recognition. During the 1997 World Games, held in Lahti, Finland on August 8-9 – which are concidered the Olympics of the non-Olympic sports – His Excellency Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the International Olympic Committee attented bodybuilding contest for the very first time !
Professor Dr. Eduardo De Rose of Brazil, President of the International Sports Medicine Federation, was named “Special Advisor” to the IFBB on Doping Matters.

Jose Carlos Santos (Brazil) 1st: Bantamweight.

Steve Holland (USA) 1st: Lightweight.

Kim Jun-Ho (Korea) 1st: Welterweight.

Jaroslav Horvath (Slovakia) 1st: Middleweight.

Ahmed Haidar (Lebanon) 1st: Light-heavyweight and overall.

Johannes Eleftheriadis (Germany) 1s: Heavyweight.
Team Posing trophy won the USA.